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  1. polarmike

    "Red Sox’s David Ortiz Comes in Third in Boston Mayor’s Rac
  2. polarmike

    Shoulder Injury

    Have any of yall injured your shoulder before? Mine has been hurting for about 3 weeks now. Apparently there is a muscle at the base of the neck that is connected to somewhere around the shoulder blade. When I look up, it hurts. All underneath my shoulder blade hurts constantly, and soreness...
  3. polarmike

    OU vs UT

    Texas won this year... just in case anyone missed it.
  4. polarmike

    NFL vs NCAA

    Once upon a time, there was an argument on this site about if the best college football team could beat the worst NFL team. At the time, I believe the NFL team was the 2007 undefeating Detroit Lions. I dont remember which college team was brought up, but insert SEC team here:___________________...
  5. polarmike

    Does a new site mean.....

    ...that I cant go look up Hose's Midget Dating Site Thread anymore?