Happy Fry Day!!


Addicted Member
9andawiggle 2 said: We all know the ticket will be Clinton/Bush again. Might as well stop wasting money and just print the cards. Hillary could be nominated every week though IMO.
Dear 9andawiggle 2:

Isn't it amazing that in a nation with more than 300 million people, we can't find better options than Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush?

I've always maintained that American voters are stupid, but are they really so dumb that they support, endorse and vote for candiates with the best-known "brand name"? Then again, look at the candidates who have made it through the primaries in recent years, including McCain, Bush, Obama, Kerry and Gore.

Neither Hillary nor Jeb are candidates deserving of true "front-runner" status, and both the Dems and GOP need to furnish viable candidates who can meet the true challenges of America and not simply perpetuate dynastic family legacies. After all, if Hillary serves two terms, that will mean that a Bush or Clinton will have served 28 of 36 years (with the other eight under the inept leadership of Obama).
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Addicted Member
I agree with CRD here, in that voters aren't really given any choice. It's not that the USA doesn't have better leaders, I'm sure we do. It's because our two primary "parties" control the system and have made entry by "outsiders" impossible. Face it, our government is a racket. It hasn't been "Of The People, By The People, For The People" for a very long time...
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