Media bias is alive and well. Just compare reactions to '08 and '16 elections


Addicted Member
Whether or not you'd ever learn it from the biased lamestream media, there are vast differences in the conservative reaction to Obama's 2008 election and the liberal reaction to Trump's 2016 triumph.

Following Obama’s inauguration and passage of the ultra-costly stimulus package, conservatives launched a grassroots movement that became known as the Tea Party. In contrast, the anti-Trump left is currently utilizing social media to organize protests that started the day after the election.

Tea Party rallies were patriotic and peaceful, while many of the leftist protests have been violent and destructive. The long-term goal of the Tea Party was to work within the system to get like-minded people elected at local, state and national levels, while the goal of the anti-Trump protesters appears to be one of discrediting Trump through anarchy. And the Tea Party initially received little or no media coverage, whereas current protesters receive full media attention and in-depth interviews.

Millions of Americans were downcast after Obama was elected in 2008 and re-elected in 2012, but they didn't take to the streets to demonstrate. Competition is a law of nature: Sometimes you prevail, and sometimes you lose. This country has a system of electing a president that has served Americans well for more than two centuries, and both presidential candidates knew the system and worked within it. And whether you like it or not, Trump won.

While acknowledging the right to protest, shame on the current protesters for behaving in such an immature manner that won't achieve anything except for destroying property, inconveniencing innocent people and causing law officers to waste precious time when they could be elsewhere.

Then, in addition to the protests, there are situations on college campuses and elsewhere in which many young people claim to need counseling and/or time away from classrooms to take part in cry-ins or to recover from the trauma caused by the election results. How childish can they get? How are such young people going to deal with the competitions that will test them during their lives? After all, it’s a hard world out there, and it's not reasonable to expect that everything will always come out the way you want it to.

As for the celebrities and so-called important people -- such as Cher, Al Sharpton, Rose O'Donnell, Barbara Streisand and Whoopi Goldberg -- who said they'd leave the country if Trump was elected, they should be encouraged to have a safe, one-way and permanent trip from the U.S.