People Donate Thousands Online To Dig Big Hole


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And you thought donating to Jill Stein's recount was a waste of money. Cnet reports the makers of the popular game Cards Against Humanity started digging a "Holiday Hole" for Black Friday. The Holiday Hole website features a livestream of an excavator digging a good-sized hole somewhere in America but little in the way of an actual explanation. "The holidays are here, and everything in America is going really well," the site reads while denying any "deeper meaning or purpose to the hole."

Cnet believes there's some "post-election sarcasm" going on. Regardless, as of the publishing of this article the Holiday Hole had raised more than $82,000, funding the digging for another 19 hours even though donors get nothing more than a "deeper hole" for their money. For anyone wondering why people aren't giving their money to a better cause, the people behind the Holiday Hole have the same question. But they're confident that "some time next year you’ll chuckle quietly to yourself and remember all this business about the hole."
