The American middle class continues to be devalued


Addicted Member
Not long ago, middle-class Americans were respected as the backbone of our country. They held steady jobs in construction, manufacturing, trades, education, and services. They coached Little League, taught Sunday school and took positions in local affairs. They supported the economy and the structure of our society. For the most part, they still provide that stability. But for how long?

A sad and ongoing danger is that they are being pushed down to poverty level, the family unit and religious freedoms are under attack, and middle America is no longer valued for the important place it fills in our country.

A primary example is the attitude of Democratic Party chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, who has declared illegal immigrants "the backbone of our society." But contrary to her beliefs, legal immigrants, in large part, join the legion of middle America and make us strong. At the same time, Illegal immigrants increase the growing poverty level and suck the life blood from our welfare, social services, education system and health care. They help create an unsustainable system.

The refusal of Mrs. Wasserman Schultz, Barack Hussein Obama and other Democrats to admit this is creating increased division, economic challenges and chaos.