The first thing I've heard Pelosi say that I agree with...


Addicted Member
Would the soldiers who got improper bonuses re enlist if they weren't getting them? Why were the soldiers ineligible for these bonuses? If an employer over pays by accident, the employer can ask for the money back. But that's different than signing a contract to do something with the expectation of a bonus.

In the long run, if something happens in the future needing quotas, then service men and women will be reluctant to re sign.


Addicted Member
Overpaying by accident is different than telling them face to face you'll get this amount, then giving them that amount. That makes it sound not so much like an accident... It sounds like a bait and switch to fuck over the people you need most. People you sent into great danger, some of which sustained life altering injuries and some who may have never come back. It's lower than low. It's absolutely disgusting. And who gets punished? Not the two faced sons of bitches that are at fault!

Like you said... I don't know why anyone would enlist these days seeing how the government takes great joy in screwing over those it depends on most. I guess hillary isn't the only heartless, elitist bitch in DC that sees the peasants as disposable fodder.


Addicted Member
One of the only times I have ever agreed more with the Democrats than the Republicans is with regard to their respective positions in the right-to-die legal case involving comatose Terri Schiavo that ended with her "pull-the-plug" death in 2005.