5 Biggest Fake News Stories of the Year


Active Member
BuzzFeed analyzed news and "news" shared on Facebook to come up with the biggest fake news stories of the year—the 100% fake articles (from fake-news websites) that got the most shares, reactions, and comments. (Articles that simply misrepresented the news were not included as fake.) Of the top 50 fake news articles, 23 were politics-related. The second-biggest fake news category: crime. The top five fake politics and crime stories and how many Facebook reactions, comments, and shares they got:
  1. "Obama Signs Executive Order Banning the Pledge of Allegiance in Schools Nationwide": 2,177,000
  2. "Women Arrested for Defecating on Boss' Desk After Winning the Lottery": 1,765,000
3 "Pope Francis Shocks World, Endorses Donald Trump for President, Releases Statement": 961,000
4. "Trump Offering Free One-Way Tickets to Africa & Mexico for Those Who Wanna Leave America": 802,000

5. "Cinnamon Roll Can Explodes Inside Man's Butt During Shoplifting Incident": 765,000
Click for the top 10.


Addicted Member
... and which lamestream media outlet published and/or broadcast the most "fake news" items during 2016?


Active Member
Breitbart ?.

Breitbart News blends commentary and journalism with inflammatory headlines, in many cases producing fake stories sourced from online hoaxes. The site once attempted to pass off a picture of people in Cleveland celebrating the Cavaliers as a massive Trump rally. The site furiously defended Trump’s false claim that “thousands” of Muslims in New Jersey were “cheering” the 9/11 attacks, a claim that multiple fact-checking organizations have thoroughly debunked.