AW mini-editorial: After-debate media "spin" could actually help Trump


Addicted Member
THNK ABOUT IT! Our fake-news lamestream media pundits and the Democrats might actually help the GOP after the debate!

Trump will certainly answer all "legitimate" questions far better than Biden, but regardless of what transpires -- unless Joe can't last 90 minutes or commits a large number of ridiculous gaffes -- most of the non-Fox News pundits will declare Biden the winner.

That would almost certainly benefit Trump and the Republicans, because if Joe has a ridiculous performance, it would be obvious to a large percentage of the viewers, if not the media.

So how could that benefit Trump supporters and put the Democrats in a bind?

Even if viewers feel that Trump won the debate but the media and Democrats "spin" the results in favor of Biden, it would make it nearly impossible for the Democrats to make a "switch" to another candidate, such as Hillary or Michelle or Kamala.

If the Democrats claim that Biden won the debate and therefore is clearly a fit and capable nominee going forward, how would they defend a position against those in the party who recognize Joe's dementia and other advancing-age situations and would push for a "substitute" candidate?

So, the best-case scenario is for Trump to perform better and the pundits to defend Biden's "great" performance. It could make things much more interesting going forward.