ESPN Disconnected


Addicted Member
from reality.

I was listening to a morning show on ESPN and the talk show radio hosts were complaining about how little they knew about what is going in the MLB. I don't follow baseball at all outside of what is on Sports Center and these radio shows. Back when Golic and Greeny were on they talked about baseball quite a bit during the regular season. The radio show that took its place was trash(Max, Keenan and Jay). This new show is ok, but they specifically saying that all that they know is that Judge has 30 HR and Bryce Harper is undervalued is pretty insane. They didn't even know Ohtani had 25 HR after surgery. All they could say about Ohtani was about his interpreter stealing. They were basically complaining, without saying it, that MLB was just doing sports.

I thought to myself, wait a minute. You arer are ESPN. You are a sports news organization. Isn't this YOUR job to report what sports are doing? Even one of broadcasters was saying that MLB isn't doing a good job of promoting itself. What? How about ESPN stops chasing the race bait stories with the WNBA? How about stop over sensationalizing the Lebron/Bronny story? Maybe, just maybe, cover sports instead of politics or racial tensions or any of that sh!t?

These talk show folks couldn't even recognize that gee, maybe the company I work for is part of the problem and the reason why you don't know what's going on as a casual MLB fan is that your own network won't cover it?