Let's Discuss the Social Conservative Mind.....

Good Times Good Times

Active Member
Somewhat piggy-backing off the "What's Wrong w/the Republican Party" thread, here's a link to a blog post written by a pastor at one of my friends' church. I think it's extremely telling of a VERY large portion of the Republican base. I've highlighted in bold area's where I think we all can have an interesting discussion and do some analysis of logic. I find this mindset fascinating.


"Let's lovingly give them Jesus and let them settle for nothing less!

Gay ‘Marriage’.

I agree, others' actions do not necessarily force me to change my beliefs, faith, etc. However, as a Christian, leaving others to do as they please ISN'T love, it is more akin to apathy and its neighbor, hate.

First, it needs to be said, I have an incredibly high view of Scripture. I unashamedly say that the Bible is my sole authority for faith and practice. That means that the when the Bible speaks, I seek always to be in submission to it. One thing to take from that is this: I believe that the Bible is not only the ONLY divine text given to man, but also the BEST guide for how life is to be experienced. Scripture is described as God-breathed, eternal, written by men moved by the Holy Spirit, without error, coherent, and complete. It's the Creator explaining how best to experience the world He has created.

Second, Christ associated with sinners (and was even very compassionate with them). The reason He withheld criticism from the tax collectors, prostitutes, etc. was because they simply knew they were sick and didn't try to hide it as the Pharisees did with their religious vestiges. The whole reason Jesus came to earth was because, in order to accept us, He had to DIE to deal with sin. There is no one who more so despises sin that the holiest of Persons, God. He knows how to best experience life, and thus knows the great counterfeit compromise sin creates. Sin ONLY produces death in our experience. It ONLY robs, cheapens and steals. The best God we could ever have then is the one most fiercely set against it, for that is the GREATEST EXPRESSION of love. That is the God we have. One willing even to die knowing we could do nothing to defeat that dark enemy.

Third, as a Christian I will ALWAYS speak out for laws that affirm the moral stance of Scripture, for ALL people, whether professing Christians or not. All because I believe God's book of what is best is ALWAYS the BEST experience for man, whether he recognizes or submits to it or not.

So with that said, the role of government, in Scripture, is to check sin. When working at its best, government protects man from degrading deeper and deeper into sin. Yet we see a different trajectory desired by man in Scripture, as he willfully moves further and further away from God's law. Romans 1:18-32 describes a progression (or rather, digression) of man as we chose to walk more and more away from God. The sad judgment from God on those people interestingly enough is that He "gives them over" to their sin. The result is man freed to do whatever his heart desires to do. Though that might sound good, there is actually nothing worse. Man, walking in his own ways, only lives a life enslaved to sin. Proverbs 16:25: The way of man (because of sin) seems right, but its end is death. Why would I then not fight to preserve man as much as I can?

Marriage has from earliest times been a religious institution, from the second chapter of Genesis. With sin entering into the world, that relationship was not only tainted, but has been ever since, also challenged. I don't deny that people may experience same-sex attraction, but just because they do, I cannot condone it. A person may experience a desire to pursue sexual gratification through pornography, adultery, polygamy, or sex outside of marriage... but just because a person might 'feel' those emotions doesn't mean they are then acceptable or "okay" with God, best for him, or for our society. Sin has given all of us propensities that lean away from God. For some that is alcohol, for others lying, for others jealousy. Paul describes that battle in Romans 7. He never writes to embrace it, as if embracing your feelings makes you more human... instead he argues the opposite... to deny and fight those is to more fully experience true humanity.

Christ, who was the only perfect expression of humanity, never sinned. As we sin less and less yielding to God's law and His Spirit within us, we experience more and more what true humanity is. Then finally one day for those in Christ, we will be made complete in Him without any reference to sin at all! All of them (our sins) canceled on the cross.

So then, Gay 'marriage' is an outright denial of God. And though man has been given a degree of freedom to set his own laws whether in light of God or not; the Church is not. The Church is under the headship of Christ always, to stand on Scripture with the deepest of convictions.

The mission of the gospel is to influence the world with the message of the gospel and the testimony of Christ, all the while the world seeks its own independence from God. So inevitably the Church is to seek to influence the culture just as the culture is always seeking to push back against the Church. It is spiritual warfare. It is a battle over ideology, but more than that... from my perspective it is a battle over the souls of men.

One of the scariest verses in Scripture... Judges 21:25 "everyone did what was right in their own eyes..." This wasn't a cause for celebration or sign of acquiescence, it was a statement of judgment. Christian morality is to be a light to the world... the expression of life lived rightly and best. Giving people over to freely sin more doesn't show them love, it shows them something far worse. We must stand with compassion, humility and honesty.

We are the salt of the world. Salt on a wound stings, but it heals. Homosexuality is just one of many points we have conceded and "washed our hands of" in our culture... where does it stop? A mom doesn't let her son do wrong things... we would argue that she is a bad mother. Why should the church let the darkness do whatever they want. Isn't that a bad church?

Legislation is only a part of the solution; our churches must stand for truth and reach out to ALL with the love of Christ. It is from the new birth in men's hearts that change will come to our culture… it will be from the inside out. Laws can be there to give us enough time to hopefully see that happen! Come on Church, let's not abandon them. Let's lovingly give them Jesus and let them settle for nothing less!

Good Times Good Times

Active Member
I also want to make one thing clear, I personally have a lot of the same moral beliefs but it seems inconsiderate and immoral for me to place my moral beliefs on any of you via legislation.

Is he not saying, basically, "my faith is the most important thing to me therefore YOU ALL will live by it and you'll like it b/c it's what I think is right"? Isn't this mentality Taliban-like (obv w/o violence)?

Am I nuts? Is this not the stuff that loses elections?
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