Mini-editorial: On the 20th anniversary of that fateful day ...


Addicted Member
Is there anyone who doesn't recall where they were on Sept. 11, 2001?

On the 20th anniversary of that fateful day, the nation remembers the nearly 3,000 innocent Americans who lost their lives in the tragedy, and they recall the heroism of the first responders who rushed into harm's way to help others.

As Americans would soon learn, the country had suffered the worst terrorist attacks to ever occur on U.S. soil, and even before the dust had settled, Americans began to rise above the rubble and despair -- tested to the max, but united and not broken.

Without a doubt, Sept. 11, 2001 will forever live in infamy in America.


Addicted Member
My wife and I were vacationing in St. Augustine across the state, and we were staying at an old B&B, getting ready to eat breakfast. Just before going out the door, we went to turn off the TV and saw the initial reports of the first tower being hit, but we didn't have any idea about the magnitude of the situation until later in the morning.

It was the last day of vacation, and it was somewhat eerie listening to the radio and hearing all of the details while driving home.