Obama can't be trusted any more than the Iranians


Addicted Member
With regard to American foreign policy, NOTHING IS WORKING, so why would anyone trust Barack Hussein Obama (and John Kerry) to strike a good and beneficial deal with ANY country, let alone Iran? How can America strike a good deal with the Iranians when their words mean nothing?

Obama's policy used to be "We can't let Iran get the bomb" -- he said that repeatedly -- but apparently, the pending deal will concede that Iran WILL get the bomb, they WILL get nuclear technology (probably from Russia and/or North Korea), and we're just going to "manage" the fact that Iran is going to have a bomb. And there are unlikely to be guarantees that full inspections of Iran's nuclear facilities will be permitted, because Iran's supreme leader Ali Khamenei has made it clear that such inspections won't happen.

Therefore, any deal will NOT prevent Iran from getting the bomb. And not only will Iran go nuclear, the deal will also free $100 billion in frozen assets, with that money available to buy more weapons to destroy Israel and to foment terror and revolution around the world.

Bottom line: Obama and Kerry are going to give Iran -- the most-despotic regime on earth -- $100 billion, plus the ability to get a nuclear bomb. And when they do get the bomb, it's a cinch that the destruction of Israel is a certainty. Nevertheless, approximately two-thirds of Jews in America support Barack Hussein Obama.

If, as expected, Obama and Kerry announce completion of a deal this week, it can only be hoped that enough members in both houses of Congress will have enough insight and common sense to torpedo the deal.