Political roulette: Who can you trust?


Addicted Member
Can we trust any of our elected officials anymore?

Aren't there any politicians with a backbone who will quit apologizing for America, quit dividing America, quit pandering to certain groups, quit worrying about their own legacy and start worrying about what's good for America and its people?

The administration of Barack Hussein Obama has been nothing short of a disaster, and the current White House occupant does what he wants regardless of the U.S. Constitution and the will of the people.

On the other hand, the Republicans in control of Congress have proven to be useless, showing us nothing but lip service. Is there any wonder that "outsiders" such as Trump, Fiorina and Carson are polling highest among the GOP presidential candidates?

Regarding the deaths in Benghazi, Hillary Clinton said, "What difference, at this point, does it make?" And the same question could well be asked with regard to whom the American sheeple will put into office in the 2016 elections.


Active Member
As long as politicians feel beholden to political parties ( where they have to follow the party line or agendas rather than what is best for the country as a whole) and we allow lobbyists, nothing will change.