Anyone even here to read a Fry Day post?


Addicted Member

Damn, dead in here lately. The Douche Bag seems to be nearly empty/dried up. :( Somebody get to the store before it starts to stink in here! :Roflmao:

Anybody got interesting plans for the weekend?


Harry FryDay, douche.

Got a hot date to see Jurassic World tonite...other than that, nothin' scheduled for the rest of the w/e.
I plan on doing a lot of douchebag things to people who are more douchebaggy then me!!

But I will probably wind up sitting around the house watching "Ancient Aliens" on the History Channel, lol.

Greg T.

The Jizz Slinger
Trying to get my hot rod back on the road. Gotta build a TH350 that will live behind my bullet.


Active Member
Teaching a self-defense class to the ladies tomorrow. Jurassic World with the family on Sunday. Now that it's summer, my week consists of 6 Saturdays and a Sunday. :Sneaky: :Thumbsup:


Addicted Member
The only thing I'm doing is getting up early to go run on Sat. Got a 5k next weekend, using this as a gauge to see how bad it's gonna hurt. lol We usually run in the evening when temps and humidity start to break. Mornings are generally the most humid part of the day here... but that's when the 5k will kick off, so want to get one run in at that time before the event.


Addicted Member


I've been running 2-2.5 miles for over a year now. I tried last summer to try and see if I could do 3.2 and ended up stopping because of my ankle. I haven't attempted 3.2 yet because it got too cold, was too busy in the spring, and now its hot as hades.


Addicted Member
DJ, you've made it further than I have! 1.6 is the best I can do so far. Then walk, and run a little more. My knees aren't liking it much... told the wife she'll probably have to buy me a Rascal in about 10 years. lol

I never wasva distance runner. 400m was about my max, but even then after 200m I was losing ground to the competition. 29" inseam doesn't offer much stride length!

Wife ran cross country, usually 5-10 miles I think. I do this for her, and she's decided to try mountain biking for me. Although I'm pretty much a novice at that too - I used to be on a bike all the time up until I got my drivers licence. Even though I haven't ridden much in the last 25 years, I can still go 3 miles on a bike a lot easier than I can run it! ;)


Addicted Member
I make a motion that on any week that an AB Douchebag of The Week isn't selected, that it be declared a tie for the "honor" between Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton.


No offense greg, but you aren't my type for a hot date.:Biggrin:

The movie was great, almost as good as the rest of the night...;)