Barack Hussein Obama's lame "lame-duck" actions


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In his final days in office, Barack Hussein Obama is redefining the term "lame duck" with the emphasis on LAME.

For years, Obama ignored continued hacking of various U.S. government, White House and private computer systems by Russia, North Korea and China. Now, after months of doing NOTHING with regard to alleged Russian "intrusion" into the 2016 election, and after eight years of serving as Vladimir Putin’s personal doormat throughout the world, Obama has decided to embark on "tough-guy" action. And does anyone believe that he'd have done so if Hillary Rodham Clinton had become president-elect?

Then, there was the administration’s involvement in the United States' abstention on a U.N. resolution condemning Israeli settlements -- an action that was as inexplicable as it was inexcusable. Failure to recognize the key differences between settlements in East Jerusalem (the Jewish Quarter, those close to Israel’s border) and those in more-outlying areas betrays ignorance of the long history of the Jewish people in the Mideast. East Jerusalem has been Jewish for thousands of years, and any policy suggesting that this area should be ceded to the Palestinians is absurd.

In both of the above cases, Obama dilly-dallied long enough to ensure that his actions would in no way be harmful to Hillary’s campaign, and likewise, long enough so that any blowback will be Donald John Trump’s problem. Those were nothing but blatant political moves, and in making them, Obama continued to prove what should already be obvious: OBAMA IS A MASTER POLITICIAN, BUT A LOUSY PRESIDENT.


Addicted Member
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Expanding on Obama betrayal of Israel, as touched on briefly in my original post.]

The Obama administration has displayed deep antipathy towards Israel on many occasions, and the smug arrogance of Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry is appalling. The administration's stance flies in the face of America's longstanding commitment to Israel, which began in 1948, when President Truman formally recognized that country on the day it declared its independence.

Throughout his eight years in the White House, Obama has attempted to force a “territory-nation state” for the Palestinians down Israel’s throat, and recently, he gave the green light for the U.N. to sanction Israel, breaking decades of U.S. policy on this issue. But repeatedly, the Palestinians have been offered their own territory-nation if they recognized and accepted the nation of Israel, but over and over, they have refused and remained hostile.

Surrounded by enemies who have openly and repeatedly called for its destruction, Israel has long been our strongest ally in the Mideast, and it is the only free democracy in that region. Yet shockingly, Kerry recently asserted, "Israel can either be Jewish or democratic; it can't be both, and it won't ever live in peace." That statement came as he attempted to defend the administration's ill-advised refusal to oppose an anti-Israel resolution in the U.N., in which Obama had the power to block the resolution but didn't.

Kerry and Obama's involvement in the American abstention on the recent U.N. resolution ignores the reason Israel was established after the Holocaust, and attempts to undermine the legitimacy of Israel does a grave disservice to Israel's existence and our shared fight against terrorism.

How any American Jew who loves Israel continue to support Obama and the Democratic Party? It defies logic. And Obama, who would never have been elected without Jewish money and support, is now stabbing Israel in the back. When will American Jewry learn?