FBI director James Comey took millions from Clinton Foundation defense contractor


Active Member
From a right-wing writer, of course. If you take an article from a site that leans either right or left, you will get a bias that leans in their direction. But the left has been mad at snopes in the past too, which would happen if a site tries to be unbiased:


Similar attacks against snopes from the right:

More on whether snopes is biased:


A good point was brought up in another very short article not linked that asks if snopes is biased then why haven't the other fact checking sites like factcheck stated that? I tried looking but so far haven't found that so if you do, please post the link.
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Addicted Member
In addition to the money angle, perhaps Comey didn't choose to commit "suicide" by three bullets to the back of his head.

REVerse °

Addicted Member
I do my own fact checking and do not rely on "fact checking" websites at all. They are too easily swayed.


Active Member
I go to those websites because if I go to the ones that I see posted here, those only seem to lean one way. A site that claims Ann Coulter as a writer can't be considered unbiased nor can that DailyCaller writer after I did a quick background check on him. At least with the fact-checking ones, they have both views represented. And I will ask for a list of unbiased sites if anyone has them because politically, I am a Centrist.


Addicted Member
I go to those websites because if I go to the ones that I see posted here, those only seem to lean one way. A site that claims Ann Coulter as a writer can't be considered unbiased nor can that DailyCaller writer after I did a quick background check on him. At least with the fact-checking ones, they have both views represented. And I will ask for a list of unbiased sites if anyone has them because politically, I am a Centrist.
... but I'm sure you realize (or should realize) that two "fact-finding" Web sites can come to differing conclusions on the same subject(s).


Addicted Member
That's good to hear. Then they can't be working in collusion as some think.
Dear MI2AZ:

What? I'm saying that on occasion, one fact-finding group can reach different (or opposite) conclusions than another fact-finding group, even though they are both supposedly dealing with the same fact situations.


Addicted Member
You want facts? How much $ you got?
Dear REVerse:

It certainly appears that the FBI and Attorney General Loretta Lynch were bound and determined to arrive at their "no-charges" prosecutorial decision (discretion) despite the FACTS clearly established against Hillary Clinton.