Judge Jeanine blasts 'cold and calculating' Hillary


Addicted Member
On her "Justice" show on Saturday (Oct. 7), Judge Jeanine Pirro sharply reacts to Hillary Clinton's desperate plea to be relevant by manipulating the pain and anger of the Las Vegas shooting and blaming everyone but the shooter.


Greg T.

The Jizz Slinger
Just a side thought, here; Hillary ran, as one of her policies, concern about gender neutrality. She was always touting support for LGBT crap and fully supported transgender bathrooms, etc. BUT, then she turns around and tells all the women that she will be their voice. Gotta vote for a "woman". The time for women is now. How can one fully support gender neutrality and then beg women for votes?


Addicted Member
Because SHE continues to bash Trump regarding pertinent issues.
So do many people, including talk show hosts and political analysts. She's not in Congress. I mean, if she's going to criticize Chuck Shumer or Nancy, that's fine. And I'm sure she has. I really just don't care what Hilary says. And I'm not sure why anyone else would. A rebuttal from a right leaning talk show host just goes into an echo chamber.


Addicted Member
And why is Hilary important again?
She isn't. She lost to two different people who, if you'd asked America 15 years ago, would never have guessed to be president in 2009 and 2017.

Nothing against Mr. Obama in this statement, but who would have guessed him to be the first black president after only (less than) one term in Senate?

Who would have guessed Trump would actually be President?

Yet she lost to BOTH. A relatively unknown black man (outside of Illinois), and an outrageous, controversial reality show / real estate celebrity. And you KNOW those "deplorables", the racist whites who supposedly gave us Trump, didn't stay home in 2008 and 2012 to give Obama the Presidency, only to show up in full force against Hillary in 2016. That doesn't make sense.

The only thing that makes sense is that Hillary is so flawed as a person and a candidate (especially against Trump) that she couldn't secure the swing votes that previously went to Obama. Think about that for a minute. People who voted for Obama would not vote for Hillary. THAT is how Trump got elected.