Just a mini-sample of Obama's failed legacy ...


Addicted Member
Honesty and accountability are essential for public trust in government. The American people deserve the truth from their elected officials – and nothing less -- but here are just a few of many major examples of dishonesty that will remain a part of Barack Hussein Obama's presidential legacy ...

* OBAMACARE ... His claim that “If you like your health care plan, you can keep it” was deemed “Lie of the Year” by Politifact. The architect behind Obamacare, Professor Jonathan Gruber, was caught on a secret video saying that the “stupidity of the American voter” helped pass the law.

* EXECUTIVE AMNESTY ... Obama said more than 20 times that he didn't have the authority to unilaterally change immigration law because “I am president, I am not a king.” But in 2014, he did just that when he circumvented Congress and granted amnesty to nearly 5 million illegal immigrants.

* IRS TARGETING ... The Treasury Department’s watchdog found that IRS officials intentionally targeted conservative groups, yet Obama said no groups were targeted and he blamed Congress for writing a “crummy law.”

* BERGDAHL SWAP ... The Obama administration broke the law when it swapped five Taliban terrorists from Guantanamo for Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl, whom National Security Advisor Susan Rice said served with “honor and distinction.”


... AND it also was instrumental in Republicans gaining control of both houses of Congress.
True dat, the dems sank further and further in each election...and don't forget the losses at the State levels of government, in the eight years of Obama's Presidency, Dems lost over a 1000 seats in state legislatures. That is also part of his legacy.