McConnell Doesn't Like Trump's Daily Tweets


Active Member
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is criticizing President Trump for going off message on Twitter and elsewhere, the AP reports. McConnell tells reporters that "I'm not a great fan of daily tweets"—but adds that he is a fan of what Trump has actually been doing. The Kentucky Republican says that despite "the extra discussion that [Trump] likes to engage in ... we're going to soldier on. We like his positions and we're going to pursue them as vigorously as we can." On substance, McConnell claims, Trump is not much different from how Marco Rubio, Mitt Romney, or Jeb Bush would have been as president. He also says Trump's Cabinet picks have been "truly outstanding."


Addicted Member
Dear MI2AZ:

Your "headline writing" is in the same anti-Trump style as most lamestream media outlets. Your headline says that McConnell doesn't like Trump's daily tweets (an obvious negative connotation), while failing to note that McConnell is a fan of what Trump is doing, and that he likes Trump's positions and his "outstanding" Cabinet picks.

If you read the headline, you might think that McConnell is quite negative toward Trump, BUT THAT'S NOT THE CASE.


Addicted Member
It says he doesn't like his daily tweets. How are you misreading that?
Dear MI2AZ:

I'm not misreading that at all, and if you were a newspaper or magazine headline writer, that headline standing alone wouldn't be off-base (n my view), despite my posted comments regarding McConnell's positive statements about Trump.

However, you are just like a typical lamestream media employee, in that day after day, headline after headline, you present basically nothing but anti-Trump material, and even in this instance, the story indicates a lot more positives (about Trump) stated by McConnell than negatives ... yet you consistently emphasize only the negatives. Needless to say, that's your prerogative, but it clearly demonstrates a bent for one-sided journalism.


Addicted Member
I only see Trump as a big negative for this country in the long run.
Dear MI2AZ:

You don't have to tell me that. I'm more than intelligent enough to realize what you think of Trump by the manner in which you post. But you have your opinions, and I respectfully respect them while hoping that you respect my (differing) viewpoints.