War on Weed?

Good Times Good Times

Active Member

The Marijuana Policy Coordination Committee wants to counteract positive marijuana messages and identify problems with state legalization initiatives, according to documents obtained by BuzzFeed News.

"WASHINGTON — The White House has secretly amassed a committee of federal agencies from across the government to combat public support for marijuana and cast state legalization measures in a negative light, while attempting to portray the drug as a national threat, according to interviews with agency staff and documents obtained by BuzzFeed News.

The Marijuana Policy Coordination Committee, as it’s named in White House memos and emails, instructed 14 federal agencies and the Drug Enforcement Administration this month to submit “data demonstrating the most significant negative trends” about marijuana and the “threats” it poses to the country.

In an ironic twist, the committee complained in one memo that the narrative around marijuana is unfairly biased in favor of the drug. But rather than seek objective information, the committee’s records show it is asking officials only to portray marijuana in a negative light, regardless of what the data show.

Good Times Good Times

Active Member
Hopefully this shit isn't true...........I wish Trump would seize the moment and push for nationwide legalization.

One criticism of the Obama administration I have is on this topic.

Looooooottttta money in locking up and testing for marijuana offenders. Private prison lobbyist have DEEP pockets. They could also make it pretty cosmetic by legalizing it nationally, but then every red state passes laws with mandatory 10-year sentences for driving with a molecule of THC in your bloodstream, etc....

Meanwhile, on October 17, Canada will be the second nation on earth to legalize marijuana nationwide.


Addicted Member
I haven't done as much research on it, but I recall GregT on more than one occasion linking research to the healthy/medicinal values of marijuana. I bet Big Pharma is behind this...

Greg T.

The Jizz Slinger
It's going to happen sooner than you think. Even WebMD and the American Cancer Society are admitting that THC and CBD shrink tumors and kill cancer cells. With this information screaming the world at the speed of light there will be action. It's going to be on the Michigan ballot in November.


Addicted Member
It's going to happen sooner than you think. Even WebMD and the American Cancer Society are admitting that THC and CBD shrink tumors and kill cancer cells. With this information screaming the world at the speed of light there will be action. It's going to be on the Michigan ballot in November.
Oh, shit! It cures cancer! We can't have that, hospitals and doctors will lose BILLIONS!! :eek:

Greg T.

The Jizz Slinger
Oh, shit! It cures cancer! We can't have that, hospitals and doctors will lose BILLIONS!! :eek:
Well, I know that was the hold-up for many years. I've been making this claim for a good 12 years now and been called an idiot. Well, you cvan find the info now on the American Cancer Society site. Even WebMD is admitting it...sort of...

Good Times Good Times

Active Member
He'll never allow the feds to drop it. It's schedule 1 narcotic for a reason...........MONEY. How the fuck can the government hold a fucking patent on a natural growing plant????????
That will be sad if he allows it to continue if he has the power not to. Same for Obama......

Greg T.

The Jizz Slinger
That will be sad if he allows it to continue if he has the power not to. Same for Obama......
I know there are certain things a president MUST regardless of their convictions. Remember, Clinton was going to release all the UFO info. ..Nothing. Bush was going to release all the UFO info....nothing. Bush was going to release all the alternative fuel research data....nothing. Trump will never release the cannabis research data because it will sink the economy. Our economy is based on two things. Oil and big pharma. Cannabis would destroy big pharma.

Good Times Good Times

Active Member
I disagree, I don't think it would destroy big Pharma. "Believe me", they'll be fine financially. I believe that by regulating, taxing and legalizing will absolutely create jobs/industry and revenue.

This is the question Obama fumbled:
"With over 1 out of 30 Americans controlled by the penal system, why not legalize, control, and tax marijuana to change the failed war on drugs into a money making, money saving boost to the economy? Do we really need that many victimless criminals?"

My personal belief is that the real reason is to cater to the "conservative (really authoritarian) Christians". Many of which are his base.

Greg T.

The Jizz Slinger
I disagree, I don't think it would destroy big Pharma. "Believe me", they'll be fine financially. I believe that by regulating, taxing and legalizing will absolutely create jobs/industry and revenue.

This is the question Obama fumbled:
"With over 1 out of 30 Americans controlled by the penal system, why not legalize, control, and tax marijuana to change the failed war on drugs into a money making, money saving boost to the economy? Do we really need that many victimless criminals?"

My personal belief is that the real reason is to cater to the "conservative (really authoritarian) Christians". Many of which are his base.
Keep in mind that every cancer patient is worth a minimum of 5 million to big pharma. The American Cancer Society FINALLY admitted that THC and CBD shrink tumors and kill cancer sells. Do you know what would happen if the government freed up the availability of cannabis and allowed the labs and universities to freely research the cure? Everyone would be making their cancer cure within a few years.

Good Times Good Times

Active Member
Keep in mind that every cancer patient is worth a minimum of 5 million to big pharma.
Citation? (Don't give me Natural News or some shit that's the equivalent)

The American Cancer Society FINALLY admitted that THC and CBD shrink tumors and kill cancer sells. Do you know what would happen if the government freed up the availability of cannabis and allowed the labs and universities to freely research the cure? Everyone would be making their cancer cure within a few years.
Hypothetically, if that were true........there are tons of other diseases that could receive funding for research and would provide them money for treatment. ALS etc..

Greg T.

The Jizz Slinger
Regardless, if Trump has the power I think he should reclassify Marijuana.
I think it should be completely decriminalized so that researches can get their hands on it. So far, it's being used very successfully in tests with Parkinson's, Huntington's, Turrettes, Epilepsy, Glaucoma, Hypertention, appetite loss after chemo, migraines, and now even cancer society says it kills cancer cells. BTW, I've been screaming this for 10 or more years but nobody wants to listen. Finally, it's coming out. I'm using the CBD oil very successfully for my fibro. Works very well for the pain and fibro fog


Addicted Member
Cancer / big pharma / for profit hospitals and the health insurance industry are all on my shit list. The tone of what follows will show this very topic certainly "triggers" me, to use the vernacular of our time. I'll try to keep it civil...

I've heard the benefits of THC and CBD for cancer treatment, as well as another treatment at a hospital in Germany where they've had success with administering vitamins/nutrient rich treatments to bolster the immune system and allow the body to naturally purge/heal itself of certain cancers. Yet here in the good ol' profit hungry US of A they still murder people with the same immune system destroying "treatments" of chemo/radiation that failed to help my Grandfather in the 70's, another Grandfather in the 80's, my Uncle in 2002, my Mom in 2007, and my Dad in 2014. All but one of these people (the first Grandfatger mentioned, because I was only 3 at the time) I watched suffer "treatments" that would be considered cruel and unusual treatment if administered to criminals in jail as punishment. In every case, it just made their last year on earth a painful, unpleasant experience while padding the pockets of the hospitals/drug makers.

So yeah... heredity says I have a good chance of getting cancer. When I do, US big pharma and our hospitals can kiss my fucking ass - I refuse to ever take one dose of that worthless shit. It's proven to me all it does is make them money and will only make me miserable. It'll keep me alive probably up to the point the insurance money runs out. I'll exhaust every option outside the US for alternative treatments first, and if that doesn't pan out, I'm just gonna let nature take its course. I have no faith in the current system or the treatments of our time.

There's a place here for a rant about our Government watchdog agencies (like the USDA, AMA, etc.) regarding how they are paid off and strategically staffed to put corporate profits over actually protecting public health, but I'll leave that for another day...

I will say this - if any of ya'll had success with chemo/radiation, I'm glad it worked for you, I truly am. But It's never worked for anyone in my family, yet that's the only option ever provided.


Addicted Member
I know there are certain things a president MUST regardless of their convictions. Remember, Clinton was going to release all the UFO info. ..Nothing. Bush was going to release all the UFO info....nothing. Bush was going to release all the alternative fuel research data....nothing. Trump will never release the cannabis research data because it will sink the economy. Our economy is based on two things. Oil and big pharma. Cannabis would destroy big pharma.
Health Care is only about 10 percent of our GDP. F&I make up about 11 and real estate makes up about 13. Oil and gas is about 7 percent of our GDP.


Spanking His Monkey