Eat A 30 Lb Burrito And Win 10% Stake In Restaurant


Active Member
The recently opened Mexican restaurant Don Chingon is offering an amazing challenge: Eat a 30-pound burrito and you win a 10% stake in the eatery.

It's easier said than won. A normal burrito is about a pound — and Don Chingon owner Vic Robey says that about a quarter of his customers can't even get that down.

"If we're going to give away part of our restaurant, it has to be a true challenge," he said, adding that he decided on 30 pounds because it is basically double the current burrito-eating record of 14.25 pounds (set by Joey Chestnut, but you knew that).



Addicted Member
That is insane... as of a 30lb burrito wouldn't be hard enough, they throw in a ghost pepper margarita for a little extra insurance.