Economist Suggests Men Should Share Wife


Active Member
One wife, many husbands.

Xie's reasoning for his polyandry proposal: Rich men have the advantage over poor men in terms of being able to find a wife, so men who aren't as well off should be allowed to pool their resources and share a woman.

Good Times Good Times

Active Member
If they are consenting adults and not in a protected class ("minors" in this case), why should anyone care?

C'mon social conservatives......................."THE CHILDREN'S!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Addicted Member
Agree with GTGT.

Also, there's a part of me that thinks the current "traditional family" just doesn't work well in today's society where 2 adults hsve to work full time, then come home and do all the housework. Kids farmed out everywhere and no stable home life... Thus, multiple adults in a family would make sense. Multiple incomes, one house = lower living cost. Designate 1 or 2 (depending on size of "family" and household economics) to stay home and raise children/keep living quarters clean and prepare meals for working adults. This would = better environment for children, better meals for adults, less stress on the family, more time for family activities, and less childcare expenses overall.

In theory it could work. In practice??


Addicted Member
What about them? They get family members to take care of them, cook, clean, and educate them under one roof. No more constantly being farmed out to family, friends, daycares, or dropped off at bowling alleys because mommy and daddy don't have time for them.


Addicted Member
True, but neither is having two daddys or two mommys, or two who knows whats because they can't decide what they are.

Is divorce advocated in the bible? I don'r recall that passage, but I've not had the patience to sit and read that book thoroughly.

Heathens 1:1 "And whoever getteth tiredeth of thy spouses shit shall divorceth said spouse and hireth a lawyer to taketh all their stuff and attempteth to ruineth the life of the vile ex-spouse."

Heathens 1:2 "After divorcing spouse, useth the children vindictively as pswns to be a paineth in the asseth to ex-spouse for as longeth as the courts shall alloweth."



Addicted Member
One wife, many husbands.

Xie's reasoning for his polyandry proposal: Rich men have the advantage over poor men in terms of being able to find a wife, so men who aren't as well off should be allowed to pool their resources and share a woman.
You mean to say that the government doesn't offer subsidies for men in poverty to share a play-for-pay woman?


Addicted Member
I know ~9, but the quality of answer is essentially what I've offered above by that specific group.
And the all caps nearly matches their hysteria! Perhaps if you had used all caps AND a multitude of colors?! Oh, wait... no, that wouldn't work would it? Rainbows are the work of the Devil!! :Laugh: