Model Called A 'Fat Cow'


Active Member
This photo received a rude comment about her being a fat cow.

Can you even imagine you're just doing your job and someone who doesn't even know you has the nerve to make such hateful comments? Unfortunately, it happens all the time. But when Lawrence, who appeared in American Eagle’s unretouched Aerie Real campaign, read what one user wrote about her, she'd had just about enough!

✨I'm sorry I couldn't help myself...This is for anyone who has ever been called FAT. Thanks for the inspirational words on a recent pic @zseanzbrown "Fat cow. It's only cus every F****r on this planet is obese that that's the norm... Plus-size models? give me a F*****g breaking. Everyone needs to stop eating McDonald's, the NHS is f****d because of people like her eating too many bags of crisps." Opinions are like arseholes - everyone's got one thanks to the dream team for making this happen at work today.