Fox News Host Slams Trump


Active Member
Fox News anchor Shepard Smith is under fire for criticizing President's Trump's treatment of CNN reporter Jim Acosta and his refusal to answer questions about his campaign's ties to Russia.

"It's crazy what we're watching every day," Smith said after Trump's press conference on Thursday. "It's absolutely crazy. He keeps repeating ridiculous, throwaway lines that are not true at all and sort of avoiding this issue of Russia as if we're some kind of fools for asking the question. Really? Your opposition was hacked and the Russians were responsible for it and your people were on the phone with Russia on the same day it was happening and we're fools for asking the questions? No sir."

"We have a right to know," Smith added. "You call us fake news and put us down like children for asking questions on behalf of the American people."

Like Megyn Kelly, Smith got a taste of the social media fury of Trump supporters who believe a Fox News host has scorned the president:

Greg T.

The Jizz Slinger
Eventually, they'll get the message about asking real news questions about actual current events.


Addicted Member
Dear MI2AZ:

One thing's for sure. There is plenty of Trump bashing in the lamestream media, but I don't necessarily have to see any of it on the networks or newspapers, because you are almost certainly going to post it here in the forum.
Dear MI2AZ:

One thing's for sure. There is plenty of Trump bashing in the lamestream media, but I don't necessarily have to see any of it on the networks or newspapers, because you are almost certainly going to post it here in the forum.
I agree with AW.... plus the majority of his posts being posted are Fake News


Addicted Member
Dear AW, just trying to keep it balanced in here.
Dear MI2AZ:

Are you sure you don't mean UNFAIR and UNBALANCED? ... but even if the answer is yes, that doesn't diminish your right to do so, and as I've said previously, you do post a number of interesting items.


Active Member
No, I mean balanced. Most of the posts prior were anti-Obama. Now that he is out, I am taking over your jobs of posting anti whoever is in office.

As to fake news, most of my info comes from legitimate news sites. You know, those who actually employ more than one or two people and have offices across the country and in other countries. I know it is not like the sites some of you frequent, where it is posted by one or two guys working in their basement or garage and either making it up as they go, or just copying what they hear from the far-right radio shows.


Active Member
Trump only likes to hear good things about himself. He is used to being the big boss of his companies and being able to fire anyone who had views that he did not like especially about himself or his business decisions. It drives him crazy that he is not able to fire everyone who is disagreeing with him.


Addicted Member
Trump only likes to hear good things about himself.
Dear MI2AZ:

So how many people do you know who DON'T like to hear good things about himself/herself? Or on the contrary, how many people LIKE to hear BAD things about themselves?


Well-Known Member

So if they are fair and balanced then he REALLY must have did something wrong for them to call him on it????

... but that's because FOX is the only primary cable or network TV news outlet that even makes an attempt to be fair and balanced.


Addicted Member

So if they are fair and balanced then he REALLY must have did something wrong for them to call him on it????
Dear livespive:

I said FOX news ATTEMPTS to be fair and balanced -- and I'm sure that FOX isn't perfect in doing so -- but most of the other segments of the lamestream media don't even TRY to be fair and balanced.


Active Member
Dear MI2AZ:

So how many people do you know who DON'T like to hear good things about himself/herself? Or on the contrary, how many people LIKE to hear BAD things about themselves?
Anyone who wants to improve themselves will listen to critics and try to be neutral about what is said. Egotists will especially hate it - like Trump. Most people will ignore critics and if you are a politician, you have to know that you will have just as many critics as those who agree with you, if not more. They learn to ignore, but Trump can't do that. He has to engage and counter-attack. That may not work well for a politician in the real world where you have to deal with others with big egos. If he ever started to disagree with Putin, we may have a war.


Addicted Member
Anyone who wants to improve themselves will listen to critics and try to be neutral about what is said. Egotists will especially hate it - like Trump. Most people will ignore critics and if you are a politician, you have to know that you will have just as many critics as those who agree with you, if not more. They learn to ignore, but Trump can't do that. He has to engage and counter-attack. That may not work well for a politician in the real world where you have to deal with others with big egos. If he ever started to disagree with Putin, we may have a war.
Dear MI2AZ:

Then, for instance, why are there so many protests -- and even acts of violence -- when a conservative speaker is scheduled to speak at a college campus?


Well-Known Member
That sounds about right.

Anyone who wants to improve themselves will listen to critics and try to be neutral about what is said. Egotists will especially hate it - like Trump. Most people will ignore critics and if you are a politician, you have to know that you will have just as many critics as those who agree with you, if not more. They learn to ignore, but Trump can't do that. He has to engage and counter-attack. That may not work well for a politician in the real world where you have to deal with others with big egos. If he ever started to disagree with Putin, we may have a war.