Roswell's Unanswered UFO Questions

Greg T.

The Jizz Slinger
Thousands upon thousands of captured alien ships and bodies have been recovered, and a huge portion of our current technology has been reverse engineered from alien ships. The jury is still out whether these beings are from other dimensions or other planets. but the fact remains that we are not alone. Look at it with plain logic. Man and his technology had changed very little from his caveman days up through the early 1800s. Now look at the leaps and bounds from the mid 1800s and up. In a mere 200 years we've gone from living in wooden shacks and riding horses to occupying a space station. Help? Yes, I think so.


Active Member
My only problem with Greg's notion is this: Why would anyone so advanced as to be capable of space travel want to come here?


Addicted Member
Aliens = our creators? No humans on earth, then humans just appear? Or we evolved from fish? I don't think so. Humans planted here from elsewhere? More possible than evolving from fish, I think.

Perhaps we are a medical experiment, intended to grow replacement organs for harvesting/transplants? Or maybe a craft went missing and crashed here, bringing humans and it just took that long for them to be found and sent supplies by the mother planet/aliens? Or other aliens stumbled upon earth after the initial crash/landing of "humans"?

Who knows...


Addicted Member
Perhaps we are a medical experiment, intended to grow replacement organs for harvesting/transplants? Or maybe a craft went missing and crashed here, bringing humans and it just took that long for them to be found and sent supplies by the mother planet/aliens?
Dear 9andaWiggle:

With regard to your speculative scenario, perhaps it didn't really take "that long."


Active Member
9, if we are the result of an alien experiment of some such, where did the aliens come from? Another experiment? When did it start? Somewhere there had to be a beginning; was it "god" or an evolutionary process? Are the two mutually exclusive?


Addicted Member
9, if we are the result of an alien experiment of some such, where did the aliens come from? Another experiment? When did it start? Somewhere there had to be a beginning; was it "god" or an evolutionary process? Are the two mutually exclusive?
Dear bbfreeburn:

If you find someone who can provide the factual, definitive answers to those questions, make sure that you announce those findings to the world.


Well-Known Member
We are not ready to hear that answer yet.....

IT is the same as if the alien's built this or that, then where are the tools? When was the last time the plubmer came to your house
and left his tool belt???????? They clean up. IF they are smart they do.....

Some knowlege is passed down only when it is ready to be recieved. The same thing could have happened with them.

9, if we are the result of an alien experiment of some such, where did the aliens come from? Another experiment? When did it start? Somewhere there had to be a beginning; was it "god" or an evolutionary process? Are the two mutually exclusive?
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Active Member
"When was the last time the plubmer came to your house and left his tool belt?"

Last week. It's still setting on the porch for him to pick up. lol.